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Make a Dubai Home Massage By Yourself

In Dubai, you have many ways to reduce your high daily pressure. Locate your favorite “New Age” CD, dim the lights and ignite some scented candles--its massage-time, and we have the best home remedies to help you relax and pamper yourself.

Draw a relaxing Dubai massage with a few mild ingredients. Keep in mind that some store bought massages either dry out the skin or can be harsh, depending upon what you’ve chosen. Also, you could have an allergic reaction to certain chemicals contained in commercial massage product so stick with what’s natural and maybe even in your refrigerator already.

Combine equal parts of rosewater and coconut milk in a large bowl. Stir together and allow it to come to room temperature (especially if you had been storing it in your refrigerator).

Allow the massage water to flow and gently pour rosewater and coconut milk into the massage while the water is running.

Swirl massage with your hand and enjoy.

Moisturize skin using some favorite baking/cooking ingredients. Winter can be brutal on delicate skin so use this recipe not only on your skin but your lips as well (a natural lip balm).

Mix equal parts honey with olive oil in a bowl. Combine completely before transferring it to a bottle.Use a small funnel to transfer the mixture from your bowl to the bottle and keep in a cool, dry area. Dispose of mixture after a few weeks to avoid bacteria growth.

Remove dead skin cells with a homemade facial and body massage. This recipe allows you to cover the entire body without having to turn to a separate massage for the face.

Combine equal portions of honey and brown sugar in a bowl. Mix with a fork or a device with tongs to fully combine.Use immediately and discard remainder.Massage mixture onto your body, using your fingers or a clean, damp washcloth.Rinse well with warm water.

Rejuvenate lips with a homemade massage. Although the body and face massage will work on your lips, this recipe will also moisturize while removing dead skin.

Mix un petroleum jelly with raw sugar, combining equal parts of each. As with the body massage, use a fork to infuse the sugar into the jelly.Use your finger to apply massage to lips. Rub your finger across your lips several times and then remove excess Dubai massage with a tissue.

Reduce rosacea or skin redness with a soothing mask. Of course if you are red because of a sunburn or any other burn, consult with a physician first. However if you are dealing with a little windburn or regular facial redness try this soothing and helpful mask.

Whisk 2 or 3 egg yolks together with approximately 1 cup of lemon juice.Apply mask while standing over a sink to avoid having the ingredients drip onto your floor.Allow mask to dry completely and then gently remove with warm water and a soft cloth. Pat dry to avoid creating redness again.

Before using any of these ingredients, make sure you are not allergic or could have an adverse reaction.The majority of these ingredients can be found at the local grocer or health food store.

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