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Send a Nice Massage and Spa for Your Lovely Mom - Dubai Massage

In Dubai, you have many choice to give your lovely Mom an amazing present. Maybe a big meal or a LV bag. But would you like something by yourself? Dubai Massage I think is a nice option for you. Are you looking for a way to give your mother a treat? Giving her a spa treatment can be a lovely gesture. Show her you love her by giving the pampering she deserves!

Find a relaxing spot in your house. Preferably, this should be away from other members of the family, if they're still at home, in order to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

Set the mood with some relaxing candles or burn essential oils in scents such as lavender or chamomile. Soft music can also be played in the background as a spa like addition.

Plan a facial. A basic facial should consist of a cleanse, exfoliation, mask, toner and moisturiser. As this facial is being done on another person as a spa treatment, avoid anything like steaming, as they then don't have to get up from their comfortable positioning. Products that you use for the facial can be your mom's skincare (because you know it's suited to her skin), or you can DIY.

Cleanse. Using a balm or oil is more luxurious compared to everyday gel and cream washes. You can DIY using a blend of oil suited to your mom's skin type. To remove the oils from her face, heat a washcloth in hot water and then hold it over her face to steam away the oils and impurities, then gently buff away.

Exfoliate. DIY an exfoliator if you don't have one on hand; 1 tbsp honey, 1/4 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp cinnamon. Honey has anti-bacterial properties and is natural humectant, so it will clear and soften the skin. Lemon juice will brighten the complexion. Cinnamon will gently exfoliate and warm the skin which will bring blood flow to the surface of the skin making it appear glowing and plump.

Use a mask. While it sits, you can do your mom's nails. For a DIY mask take 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 egg, 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp cream, mix it all together and apply to a clean face. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. Cocoa will draw out excess oils and impurities in the skin, the egg white will help to tighten pores whereas the protein in the egg yolk will moisturise. The cream contains lactic acid which will help get rid of any dead skin cells.

While the mask sits move on to nails. Remove any excess nail polish and on your mom's nails before using a base coat, this will make sure the polish you apply stays on for longer. After applying the nail polish colour of her choice add a top coat to avoid it chipping. Once all the nail polish is dry use a cuticle cream or oil to nourish.

Remove the mask using soaked cotton rounds. After all the mask has been removed use a toner to rebalance the skin's PH and to also remove any residue from any of the products used recently. For a DIY toner you can use either rosewater (normal/dry skin) or witch hazel (combination/oily skin).

Moisturise. Argan oil is the best moisturiser to use when you're having a spa night, as it has more of a spa-like feel to it as oppose to day-to-day moisturisers. It's also one of the most beneficial oils for all skin types. It helps to reduce wrinkles, acne scars, blemishes, prevents future breakout and hydrates the skin.

Finish up the spa night with a 15 minute (or so) massage using oils of your choice. If you don't have natural oils that you would prefer to massage with you can use baby oil. Other oils you can use include sweet almond and avocado.

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Send a Nice Massage and Spa for Your Lovely Mom - Dubai Massage

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