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Create Your Ultimate Massage Basket - Massage in Dubai

The ultimate spa basket is ultimate because it's put together by you and is not an off-the-shelf arrangement. This leaves you to add as much as you'd like to it, and to budget it any way you wish. Here are some suggestions.

(1) Gather your supplies. Purchase the sorts of goodies you'd like to add into the ultimate spa basket. Some suggestions include:

Bath bombs

Bath salts

Meditation CD, or relaxing music

Scented candles

A loofah

A body brush

Soaps - gourmet versions, glycerin, and scented, some castile

Moisturizer for hands, face, and body

Bath and/or shower gel

Hand mitts

Sleeping mask for relaxing

Facial mask/ingredients, body mask

Face washer, hand towel, body towel, etc.

Lotions and creams

Bubble bath, bath oil

Perfume/scent/essential oils

Shampoo/conditioner/hair oil, etc.

Massage tools

Cute stuffed toy

A book or magazine to read in the bath

Shower cap, bathrobe

Lavender bags

Any other items that you think would make the basket awesome

(2) Purchase the basket after the goodies. That way you'll know how large it needs to be.

(3) Purchase the items needed to help create the basket. These include:

Tissue paper for padding. Under that you might like to use crinkle paper to bulk it out and create a soft under layer

Cellophane or plastic wrap for covering the basket

Ribbon, glitter, and bows for decoration

Clear tape for holding parts together


Explanatory notelets describing unique items or which provide directions

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Create Your Ultimate Massage Basket - Massage in Dubai

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