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(6) Don't let anything slide. Clients can feign innocence when you say something about it. A questionable comment or touch should be addressed as soon as it happens. One phrase would be, "This massage is strictly about me touching you, not the other way around. I will not continue if you do that again.
(7) It isn't just about sexual boundaries. Setting boundaries also includes your policies and procedures around your business like cancellation policies, late fees/charges, no show policies which teach clients how you want to be treated.
Boundaries also include things like active listening rather than always giving advice and how much you talk during a session -It is the client's session. Reassure the client that you have a non-disclosure policy.
(9) Boundaries also include things like having dual relationships with clients, having clients as friends, doing trades with clients for other services such as bookkeeping or legal advice. Keeping the roles separate is often the best for preserving the massage relationship although there have been successful friendships that originated in a therapist/client relationship.
(10) Keep your opinions to yourself about personal issues, religion, politics and the like. You are not there to judge a client's body, nor offer diet advice or smoking advice.
(11) Transference and Counter transference happen. All relationships actually start with transference. What we are paid for as massage professionals is to be aware of our roles in these dynamics so that we can learn to not get hooked into crossing boundaries and preserving the therapeutic relationship.
Always remember that you have the right to refuse service if a client pushes your boundaries too far.
There are legitimate massage techniques that can involve the pelvic area as in pelvic myoneuropathy. Trigger points can develop in this area and massage can relieve this condition.
Have good draping technique. Keep the portions of the body not being worked on covered up.
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