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Make Your Own Spa & Massage Water - Dubai Best Massage

As everybody knows that, Dubai has a hot and dry climate in the dessert. For women, the daily water supply is so essential. At the same time, they should do something more for it weekly or monthly. So spa or massage is a nice option. If you don’t get a chance to go out for a massage in Dubai, you can DIY it and let me tell you how to make your own spa ans massage water now.Want to give your home massage the finishing touch? Want to calm yourself in a sip? Or maybe you just need a more interesting way to get the recommended 8 glasses a day. Whatever your motive, massage water is perfect for this purpose. It's healthy, tasty, inexpensive, and refreshing.

(1) Decide what type of massage water you want- here are the main types, but feel free to improvise.

Lemon water: Pure, fresh water with crisp lemon slices and maybe a dash of sugar. Best as a healthy alternative to lemonade, or to relax and perk up after a hard day.

Orange and Lime water: Clean mineral enhanced water with a few small slices of lime and orange alternating. Best for massage treatments.

Cucumber water: Clean, pure water with 3-6, depending on pitcher size, large cucumber slices. Best after working out. Also, if you're a kid, a less embarrassing way to get your vegetables.

Peach water: Just plain yummy! Peach slices in clean water. Also good in seltzer, these are good for parties (massage night, anyone?)

(2) Gather your ingredients. See "things you'll need" .

(3) Fill a pitcher with cool water, and add a few ice cubes if desired.

(4) Slice chosen fruit(s) into desired size- this varies depending on the size of the pitcher you are using. Be careful not to put in too many or too large slices- this can be overpowering, and make it seem pulpy and more like juice or fruit 2.0 which you don't want- massage water should hint at the taste of said fruit, not completely give it.

(5) Put the slices into the pitcher(s), shake a little, and wait a few minutes for the taste to set in.

(6) Pour a little into a glass and sample it. There should be little to no pulp, just a hint of flavor, and you should feel refreshed.

(7) Leave a comment on this discussion page and tell your friends!


When you go to massages, look at their variations- you never know what you'll find!

Make up your own flavors and variations!

Drink some "massage water" after you work out to perk yourself up. It's also great when taking a bubble bath, after a face steam, facial, etc, but NOT after getting your nails done - ever. Fumes and water are a bad combination.

Don't expect a burst of flavour in one sip. massage water is supposed to be light and refreshing.

Test it out on a few friends at your next party!

Use good quality mineral water, like Fiji Water or Evian, for best results. It's very good for you, tastes better, and has adorable bottles- so worth the investment!

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Make Your Own Spa & Massage Water - Dubai Best Massage

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