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Create a Ultimate Massage Time at Home (3) - Dubai B2B Massage

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Part 3 of 3: Doing a Mani and Pedi


Remove your old polish. Start with a clean slate by removing the old nail polish from your fingernails and toenails. Use acetone-free nail polish remover if possible, since acetone dries out your nails.


Soak your fingers. Prepare a bowl of warm water and soak them for five minutes with your nails completely submerged. This will soften the nails and cuticles to make them easier to shape.

Don’t use oils or soaps in the bowl of warm water. It’s better to use plain water so there won’t be residue on your fingers when you paint them.


Trim and file your nails. Use fingernail clippers or scissors to shape each of your nails into crescent shapes, rounding off the edges. Use a nail file to smooth rough spots and even out the shapes, so that all of your nails look professionally trimmed.


Push back your cuticles. Take a cuticle pusher or orange stick and gently push back your cuticles so they’re no longer visible on your nails. Be very gentle, and do not rip or trim the cuticles, since you need them in place to protect your fingers from infection.


Apply your polish. A good manicure has at least three coats: a base coat, a color, and a topcoat. Some people like to apply more than one color coat to ensure maximum coverage. Let your nails dry completely between coats to prevent smudging.

The best method for painting your nails neatly is to paint one stroke on either side, then fill in the middle.

If you want to paint a design on your nails, do it after the color coat, then add the top coat last to seal it in.


Soak and exfoliate your feet. Feet often get neglected in daily care, but this is your Massage time, so take the time to do it right! Soak your feet in the tub or in a bowl filled with warm water. If your feet are dry or callused, use a pumice stone to remove the rough spots.

Some tough calluses need extra help coming off. Try a callus shaver or another instrument designed to remove dry skin.


Trim and polish your toenails. Shape your toenails with clippers, making sure to round off the edges to prevent ingrown toenails. Either go all out and do a three-coat pedicure, or simply apply a coat of clear polish to protect and enhance your toenails.

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