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Teach You Choose a Massage Treatment (2) - Luxury Massage in Dubai

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Colonics, also known as Colonic Irrigation : Though this may not seem the most pleasant and perhaps is not, it is however one of the more effective methods for removing toxins from the human body. Usually performed in a series of 6 or more sessions. High on the list at most Wellness Clinics and Medical Tourism destinations.

Ayurveda: Using a holistic philosophy dating around 5,000 years ago, it uses natural remedies and time-tested practices. Ayurveda has become a recognized treatment option for medical issues, as well as a relaxing massage favorite.

Aromatherapy: The basic term refers to the therapeutic use of essential oils—based on the specific healing property of each oil—in such treatments as massage, diffusions, body wraps and soaks.

Paraffin: Paraffin is a a soft, liquid wax—plain, or juiced-up with essential oils.Because of its heat-conducting and moisture-retaining properties, the ingredient is most commonly used to hydrate, soften and relax dry skin, or prep hands and feet pre-mani or pedicure. The result is soft, moisturized skin devoid of cracks or dry patches.

Reiki: Reiki is a Japanese technique for healing and stress relief based on the movement of energy—and the practice is steadily growing in popularity in US massages.

Shiatsu: It’s on pretty much every massage menu, right there between Hot Stone and Swedish Massage. At its core, the technique emphasizes a combination of diagnosis and therapy. Using just their palms and fingers—in particular the thumb—trained practitioners are able to identify trouble spots on the client, including blocked toxins and muscle distress.

4 Research various massages and the massage treatments they offer: This takes a little work, and there is no perfect method to do this. Most day massages, wellness clinics and resort massages carry great massage treatment menu options to satisfy even the most seasoned massage goer. If you need a special treatment call the massages directly.


Gratuities are important! Most massage treatment specialists count on between a 20-25% tip of the total massage bill. Remember, you may just get this same massage therapist the next time around as well.

Show up to your appointment early: It is recommended to use the jacuzzi or hot tubs in advance in order to raise body temperature and relax the muscles prior to the service.

Wear appropriate soft loose clothing for your massage treatments. This helps in relaxing after the treatment!

Book your massage treatment early, many of the better massages usually stay booked a week in advance, some even up to two weeks in advance.

Drink plenty of fluids, especially directly after your massage treatments as they can help hydrate you and flush unwanted toxins from you body.

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Teach You Choose a Massage Treatment (2) - Luxury Massage in Dubai

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