When you have no one to massage your back, you can give your back a mini massage by using a ball, a wall, and patience. This works best for the muscles in your back, especially all of those tight places you can't reach. All you need is a ball--if you don't have a massage ball (shown here) a racket ball, a tennis or bouncy-ball will work.
1 Put your back against a wall with your feet about 6 inches (15.2 cm) or so away from the wall.
2 Place ball between your back and the wall.
3 Carefully apply your body weight against the wall, until you get the desired pressure.
4 Rock your body back and forth and up and down to move the ball around your back.
Your best option is to try to barter with a licensed and reputable Massage Therapist. What skills do you have that others can use? Even if you don't think you have anything, good old fashioned elbow grease can go pretty far. The best way to get in the door is to make an appointment and fork out the money for the first massage. It sets you up as a client and also shows that you are seriously looking for a massage and not something else.
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