6 Begin massaging harder. By now her tendons will be loose and she will probably be ready for more. Begin using your thumb, fingers, and especially the "heel" of your hand to massage her firmly. Firmly, but not TOO firmly! Now isn't the time to prove your manly strength. There is nothing so likely to kill your girl's sex drive as a sudden pinch in a sore spot that sends her leaping off the couch, never to trust you with her feet again. Avoid massaging the middle section of her feet entirely, as this area contains sensitive bones and tendons. Instead, concentrate on the heel, ball and toes (gently with the toes!). Spend another five minutes here.
7 Show that you're enjoying it. Make small murmurs (a deep, quietly whispered "Mmmm" works beautifully) and widen your smile to a grin at intervals, to show your girl that you're fully appreciating every interaction with her body.
8 Kiss her feet. As always, timing is an enormous factor. Don't start the massage with a big sloppy toe-sucking fest, because unless your girl is in the mood to jump into bed right away, she will most likely find that sort of behavior annoying. Make sure you've fully completed the previous steps first, then ask her if she's enjoying the massage. She will almost certainly say yes (what else CAN she say without being rude?). If she does, slip off the couch, get down on your knees, and gently kiss her feet a few times. Look up and ask, "How are you enjoying it now?" Her response is unlikely to be anything but positive. Keep kissing her feet for at least another minute, but avoid using tongue or putting her toes in your mouth unless you include this as a normal part of your sexual routine. Otherwise it might freak her out.
9 Ask her if you can massage the rest of her. This is a big step, so be sure to word the question in a way that lets her know exactly what you want. It won't be too difficult at this point; simply saying, "Can I massage the rest of you?" might just work wonders on its own. If you think she's in the mood and you want to try something a little more seductive, say, "The rest of you looks tired too. Can I take care of that for you?" If she says yes, you've got it in the bag. "Oh... darn. Your clothes are in the way...." You get the idea.
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